Could One Post Really Change Your Life?

Here’s what I hate about the Internet.

All over the place, our successful Internet role models are spouting things like “ONE SHARE COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE!”

The problem is, people (like me) hear “One post can change your life” and think it means “the next post will change your life”

Which is both true and it isn’t.

Could your next post change your life? Sure. Maybe. I don’t know.

Could your 1,243rd post change your life? Sure. Maybe. I don’t know.

Someone much smarter than me said “we aren’t entitled to the fruits of our labor, just the labor itself,” And I think that’s true.

We like to think something magical happens just at that moment when we “make it.” When we’re retweeted by an influencer. When a post goes viral. When the first person buys our new product.

But what if that isn’t the case?

What if one post doesn’t change your life? What if it’s the act of posting that changes?

What if one retweet doesn’t change your life? What if it’s the making a point to go on Twitter and reply to everyone no matter what their status?

What if a degree doesn’t change your life? What if going to classes, paying attention, and meeting new people makes the difference?

Change rarely happens in one jaw-dropping, caterpillar-to-butterfly moment. Instead, true change happens so gradually that one barely even notices it.

Want to learn how to get up earlier? Here’s how you do it.

  • Step 1: Set your alarm clock a minute earlier.

  • Step 2: Get up at that time for a week.

  • Step 3: Repeat that process next week.

  • Step 4: Repeat that process for the rest of your life.

(Oh, and while you’re up, start Micro Journaling.)

Most people want the change, but they don’t have the patience. They want the success without the work, the flight without the cocoon, the summit without the climb.

If you are looking for results but hating the work, you are in the wrong line of work. I don’t care if it’s your day job or your hobby or your side hustle, it just isn’t worth it. A little pain is worth a lot of victory, but the pain must come from love, not from a hope for payoff.

Few things actually change your life. Dollars don’t change your life, but they may change your lifestyle. More success doesn’t change your life, but it may change your career. More happiness? Well, that can’t really be given now, can it?

My point is this, if you want to be something, just be it. Do you want to be a writer? Cool. All a writer does is write. If you can do that, you’re a writer.

You want to be an artist? Create something. That’s literally it.

You want to be an actor? ACT. It’s not like you need permission anymore. Be a character on YouTube. Worked for Jenna Marbles, who has now made millions off YouTube revenue alone.

So could one post really change your life?

I guess we’ll both just have to wait and see.

Todd Brison

An optimist who writes.


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